Monday, September 22, 2008

another pittsburgh robot

Robot w/ Cup O Joe
Originally uploaded by Chris Bail
this one is on the 10th street bridge and was captured by chris bail. it doesn't look like the same artist as "my" robot, but i was excited to see that there's at least two of them in pittsburgh ...and they both have hearts! so fascinating!


Chris Bail said...

The robot is definitely different than yours, but I think this is the same artist as both pieces are signed with the tag "Riot"...It is fairly bad form to use another artist's name in those circles...don't ask me how I know this.

lilly said...

you're absolutely right! i hadn't noticed the tag on yours initially, but it does seem to be the same artist. i saw another robot last night and took a photo of it. maybe i will get around to uploading it today.