Monday, January 26, 2009

erik is a cheeky monkey

i still have yet to write about erik's birthday. i will get around to it, i swear! all the photos are on my flickr page if you just can't wait. there's also this really cute video of erik being really silly after dinner:

erik seems to be developing a really sarcastic sense of humor lately (sound like someone you might know?). dinner is almost always a messy struggle and battle of the wills. tonight erik's hands were covered in food. when that happens, he does one of two things - asks to have them wiped, or shake them in the air, sending bits o' dinner flying all over the dining room. tonight it was the latter, so i told him to put his hands on his tray, and he pressed his palms flat onto the tray and looked at me with a big smile, waiting for me to tell him it was ok to take them off again. a few minutes later, erik was eating some cheerios out of a little cup, and did something else which he does frequently - stick his sippy cup into the other cup and then pick them both up to drink. peter kept fussing at him to stop doing that, which wasn't working at all. i tried to use reverse psychology and said, "put your sippy cup into your other cup" (which it already was). he pushed the cups to the edge of his tray and turned them around so i could see them clearly, and looked at me as if to say "are you blind?!? can't you see that i already have?" what a silly boy!

tomorrow morning erik sees his doctor for his 2 year well visit. good grief! i can't see there being any problems, but i have been surprised before. i just hope he's not too upset by the vaccinations. as much as i hate getting shots, i hate it 100 times more when he gets them.


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